1. Read the program guidelines | Before you go any further you must read the full Program Guidelines. This step is critical to submitting a strong application. The Guidelines specify all the requirements for your project and explain the priorities of the Program. Funding for your project will be decided based on how well you meet those requirements and priorities. |
2. Decide on a Project | With your Group, decided on a project for your application. Remember, you can submit 2 applications (depending on your chosen category). You need to pick a category and a project that is considered "eligible expenditure" You should have learnt about the categories and eligible expenditure in step 1. See "Choosing a Project" below for more advice to pick the perfect project. |
3. Request an Auspice Letter | In order to apply for this Program, all Scout Groups need to enter an auspice agreement with Scouts Victoria. This means Scouts Victoria formally agrees to support your application and "lend" our eligibility status to your Scout Group. An auspice letter states that Scouts Victoria endorses your application. Request an auspice letter here. If you are submitting 2 applications you will need 2 auspice letters. |
4. Write your Application |
5. Submit |
Read the Program Guidelines and pay particular attention to:
All applications must provide a quote or screenshot of the shopping cart. The quote must include full details of what will be purchased, individual costs and total costs, and all associated project costings. Make sure you have this handy when you start your application.
Acceptable quotes include a formal or email quote from a supplier and are addressed to the club. All quotes must include:
Website shopping carts or screenshots are also acceptable provided they contain the above information.
In order to apply for this Program, all Scout Groups need to enter an auspice agreement with Scouts Victoria. This means Scouts Victoria formally agrees to support your application and "lend" our eligibility status to your Scout Group. An auspice letter states that Scouts Victoria endorses your application.
If you are submitting 2 applications you will need 2 auspice letters.
Section 1-4, 10-11
To make the process nice and easy we have prepared a template application for Category 1. The template tells you how to answer each question in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11. Print out the template, or have it open in another screen while you write your application.
Section 5-9
This part of the application is all our your specific project. You need to convince the funding panel that they should fund YOUR project. Your answers should showcase your passion and everything awesome about your Scout Group. This is where everything you know about the Program Objectives will come into play.
Refer to our template application on how to answer these questions. Make sure you are writing to the question prompt.
Mistakes in your application undermine your project. It's important to proof read your application to ensure there are no errors. When proof reading you should also look for opportunities to strengthen your answers. Concise and clear wording is the goal. Consider the Program Objectives and check if your can strengthen the appeal of your project.
Always proof read your application with a fresh set of eyes. Write the draft one night, and proof read the next.
We strongly recommend getting other members of your Group to proof read your application as well. They will pick up things you missed, offer a new perspective, and bring some fresh ideas.
Applications close March 27 at 4pm. Do NOT leave your application until the last minute. Every sport club in Victoria will be trying to submit at the same time, you do not want to risk the application portal crashing. Aim to submit by March 26.
Read the Program Guidelines and pay particular attention to:
All applications must provide a quote or screenshot of the shopping cart. The quote must include full details of what will be purchased, individual costs and total costs, and all associated project costings. Make sure you have this handy when you start your application.
Acceptable quotes include a formal or email quote from a supplier and are addressed to the club. All quotes must include:
Website shopping carts or screenshots are also acceptable provided they contain the above information.
In order to apply for this Program, all Scout Groups need to enter an auspice agreement with Scouts Victoria. This means Scouts Victoria formally agrees to support your application and "lend" our eligibility status to your Scout Group. An auspice letter states that Scouts Victoria endorses your application.
If you are submitting 2 applications you will need 2 auspice letters.
A reminder that if your project involves "services to children" you are not eligible to apply.
Understanding if your project involves "services to children" can be difficult. Read over these examples to help you decide. If you are unsure please contact grants.manager@scoutsvictoria.com.au.
Section 1-4, 10-11
To make the process nice and easy we have prepared a template application for Category 2. The template tells you how to answer each question in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11. Print out the template, or have it open in another screen while you write your application.
Section 5-9
This part of the application is all our your specific project. You need to convince the funding panel that they should fund YOUR project. Your answers should showcase your passion and everything awesome about your Scout Group. This is where everything you know about the Program Objectives will come into play.
Refer to our template application on how to answer these questions. Make sure you are writing to the question prompt.
Mistakes in your application undermine your project. It's important to proof read your application to ensure there are no errors. When proof reading you should also look for opportunities to strengthen your answers. Concise and clear wording is the goal. Consider the Program Objectives and check if your can strengthen the appeal of your project.
Always proof read your application with a fresh set of eyes. Write the draft one night, and proof read the next.
We strongly recommend getting other members of your Group to proof read your application as well. They will pick up things you missed, offer a new perspective, and bring some fresh ideas.
Applications close March 27 at 4pm. Do NOT leave your application until the last minute. Every sport club in Victoria will be trying to submit at the same time, you do not want to risk the application portal crashing. Aim to submit by March 26.
Read the Program Guidelines and pay particular attention to:
All applications must provide a quote or screenshot of the shopping cart. The quote must include full details of what will be purchased, individual costs and total costs, and all associated project costings. Make sure you have this handy when you start your application.
Acceptable quotes include a formal or email quote from a supplier and are addressed to the club. All quotes must include:
Website shopping carts or screenshots are also acceptable provided they contain the above information.
In order to apply for this Program, all Scout Groups need to enter an auspice agreement with Scouts Victoria. This means Scouts Victoria formally agrees to support your application and "lend" our eligibility status to your Scout Group. An auspice letter states that Scouts Victoria endorses your application.
If you are submitting 2 applications you will need 2 auspice letters.
A reminder that if your project involves "services to children" you are not eligible to apply.
Understanding if your project involves "services to children" can be difficult. Read over these examples to help you decide. If you are unsure please contact grants.manager@scoutsvictoria.com.au.
Section 1-4, 10-11
To make the process nice and easy we have prepared a template application for Category 3. The template tells you how to answer each question in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11. Print out the template, or have it open in another screen while you write your application.
Section 5-9
This part of the application is all our your specific project. You need to convince the funding panel that they should fund YOUR project. Your answers should showcase your passion and everything awesome about your Scout Group. This is where everything you know about the Program Objectives will come into play.
Refer to our template application on how to answer these questions. Make sure you are writing to the question prompt.
Mistakes in your application undermine your project. It's important to proof read your application to ensure there are no errors. When proof reading you should also look for opportunities to strengthen your answers. Concise and clear wording is the goal. Consider the Program Objectives and check if your can strengthen the appeal of your project.
Always proof read your application with a fresh set of eyes. Write the draft one night, and proof read the next.
We strongly recommend getting other members of your Group to proof read your application as well. They will pick up things you missed, offer a new perspective, and bring some fresh ideas.
Applications close March 27 at 4pm. Do NOT leave your application until the last minute. Every sport club in Victoria will be trying to submit at the same time, you do not want to risk the application portal crashing. Aim to submit by March 26.