Youth Helpers

Youth Helpers

What is a Youth Helper? 

  • Some young people prefer just to work with the Joey Scout or Cub Scout Sections.  

  • Youth Helpers receive special training to assist the Leaders they work with. They help out at regular weekly meetings and special activities. 


How to Add a Youth Helper 

Existing Scouts Victoria youth members à Youth Helpers 

  • Group Leader will need to add a YOUTH HELPER section to their Group formation on Extranet 

  • Then use the upgrade section function on Extranet and select the YOUTH HELPER section  

External youth helper onboarding  

  • Prospective youth helpers who are not members of Scouts Victoria will need to be issued with a youth membership invitation  

  • Full youth fees will need to be paid for the youth helper  

  • Group Leader will need to add a YOUTH HELPER section to their Group formation on Extranet  

  • Select YOUTH HELPER section on the youth membership invitation. 



  • Age 14 ½ - 18 years old to assist in the Joey Scout and Cub Scout Sections.  

  • Age 16 – 18 years old to assist in the Scout Section.  

  • Note*: While a Venturer may be a Youth Helper, consideration needs to be given to applying for a role as an Adult Leader or an Adult Helper upon reaching your 18th birthday. 


  • The role of the Youth helper is to assist and provide support to the younger Sections. 

  • Youth Helpers may be a member of a Venturer Scout Unit or recruited from outside of the movement – in which case an application for membership form must be completed. 

  • Application to become a Youth Helper within a Group must be assessed by the Group Council and supported by the Joey Scout, Cub Scout or Scout Leader and approved by the Group Leader. 

  • A Youth Helper assists mainly in one Section however, they may assist in the other Sections with the approval of the Leader concerned. 

  • Section Leaders need to provide the understanding and knowledge necessary to perform the Youth Helper role. 

  • The Youth Helper is responsible to the Section Leader with whom they are working. 

  • Youth Helpers should attend a National Youth Helpers Course.