Refurbishment/ Upgrading a hall

Refurbishment/ Upgrading a hall

a.       Process - How do I get started?

Every project needs to follow the steps set out below to get from idea to completed project in a reasonable time and at a realistic cost.

·      Discuss your ideas with your leaders and Group Support Committee. You may have a roof which leaks, a floor which bounces like a trampoline and has more splinters than solid wood, archaic toilets, and a historic kitchen. You need to have agreement within the group on what needs doing and with what priority before taking your ideas further.

·      Discuss your ideas with your DC to confirm that upgrading your hall is consistent with the District Development Plan.

·      Set in motion a fund-raising program. Every group is expected to make a significant contribution to the cost of refurbishing their hall. 

·      Discuss your proposal with the Property Team at VSC to provide support and oversight:

Ø  P2 submission process

Ø  Compliance

Ø  Planning permit

Ø  Landowner and Landlord approvals

Ø  Hazardous substance Division 6 Audit

Ø  Lease review

a.       The P2 Form

                      See attached………………………………

The P2 Form provides supportive information, including:

b.       It records and confirms that the District and Region Commissioners have reviewed and support the proposal

c.        drawings

d.       quotations

e.       membership information and group financial reports.

f.         Funding

Project Manager

a.       The Property Team will provide project management support

b.       In certain circumstances the local Scout Group can provide project management support depending on the scope and complexity of the project.

Proposed Works

A brief but informative description of the project.

·        ‘Kitchen and toilet upgrades’ rather than ‘refurbishment work.

Budget Cost

This summary figure should be supported by:

·         an attachment showing how you built it up i.e., excel spreadsheet

·        Quotations for all proposed works

·        Allow 5% contingency to cover “unknowns”

Funding Sources

Funding sources is another item you need to explore before you submit your P2 form.

Governments at all levels have various funds to assist community development projects and yours may be eligible. Talk to the VSC staff responsible for helping you apply for these. 

Any form of external funding makes your project more feasible and increases its chance of happening and happening sooner. Our own resources are limited so external funding amplifies what we can do with these resources. Whilst GFSS has a small budget for grants and loans to assist groups get a project off the ground, this should be viewed as something of a last resort, not a primary source of funds.

See attached………

Important Points to Note

           Projects under $15k

Even if your project will cost less than $15k

·         Scouts Victoria, as the legal owner or lessee of the property needs to be informed before any works are commenced.

·        The works may trigger regulatory compliance issues:

-          Planning permits

-          Structural certification

-          Landowner or Landlords approvals

  Projects over $15k (per VSC Delegations Policy)

If your project will cost more than $15k you must:

·        Begin the approval process by submitting a P2 form

·        This will progress to be reviewed and decided by the Group Facilities Support Subcommittee (GFSS)

·        Once decided by the GFSS, formal advice will be sent back to the local scout group.

·        The Property Project manager will then arrange an onsite project “kick off” meeting including:

-          Property Project Manager

-          Main contractor

-          Local scout group representative  


 The Property Team will provide a formal contract as part of our role as project manager following an inclusive tender process has been completed.


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