Operoo Guide for Administrators

Operoo Guide for Administrators


Operoois a tool for parents to share important information with Leaders:
  1. Health information 
  2. Permission forms
  3. Any additional needs which may require adjustments such as children with learning conditions or non-neurotypical children

Operoo and privacy

  1. Data is stored in Australia.  
  2. Sophisticated security measures  are used.
  3. Information about this, along with their Privacy Policy, is available on their website.  
  4. Operoo is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles. 
  5. Scouts Victoria are permitted under the Privacy Act to share information within the entity 

How Operoo works  

  1. The profile in Operoo is generated overnight from Extranet once a member is approved.
  2. Under 18 the profile is generated from the email provided in the primary contact field.
  3. If over 18 the profile generates from the members record.
  4. Changes to the Operoo Profile -will not update records in Extranet.
  5. Changes to an Extranet record will only update in Operoo if:
    1. A youth changes formation or group
    2. A youth member leaves, the profile is removed automatically

Sharing an Existing Profile

Sharing a profile will only work when:
  1. The profile is fully completed
  2. The name and the email address for the profile is the exactly the same as the information in the share request from Scouts Victoria

Understanding Profile Colours 

Medical Opt-Out

Operoo Central View

*This is the view that a Section Leader or Parent will see –It is also the view for your personal information as an administrator.

Updating Group Details

To update Group details you will need to be the administrator for you Group/Formation.
When you log in as an administrator this is the view you will get.
*Administrator = LIC of Group/District/Region

Updating Group Details

Many Groups are still sending  information from the Executive Manager and an old email address.
This should be your name, the title of your role (ieGroup Leader) and the generic Scouts Victoria email for your Formation.

A bit further down the Group settings page is the Staff permissions section.
To allow your Staff (Leaders) to be able to create and enable eFormsyou will need to make sure this is ticked.
Don’t forget the Save button.


*We first need to check if a Leader has already been added as a staff in Operoo and if there are any outstanding issues, before we can add. 
*We also need to make sure that a staff is set up in the correct formation/level.

A pop up screen of the details will appear
You can see that the Member Request From = Not Set
We need to click on Edit Staff and then update the email address

Once the email is updated the profile colour will change to White or Blue and you are good to go
Now remember before we saw how to update to allow for new Staff to be able to create and enable eForms? 
After a change you may have to update these permissions individually 

We can see that this staff member has 1 permission
By clicking on this we can see what that permission is 
And we can edit these permissions for individual staff (Leader) if necessary 
Just click the pencil and then tick or untick the appropriate boxes.

Adding Staff 

Staff in Operoo need to be added and removed manually by an Administrator
This is not automatic based on a Leaders role in Extranet
We are not adding a medical profile, we are adding a permission level

Before adding a staff profile you will need the following details: 
  1. Members Name
  2. Email Address (same one they already use for Operoo)
  3. Membership Number

Fill in the Name, Member Number and Email Address
* If the member is only needed as a staff for a small amount of time please also fill in the auto-archive date.
* If you forget to add the email address, you will still be able to add the staff profile but the member will not be able to access any details.
Click Save

Now that we have added the Staff we need to assign them to the relevant section.
To do this we need to go back to the members page

Assigning Staff

We can now see the staff we added in the staff assignments section.

Click on the 3 lines (hamburger) on the staff member you wish to assign.

When the pop up screen appears, tick the relevant section you wish to assign the staff member to.

We can now see the staff member has been assigned to the Cub Section.

Removing Staff

Staff in Operoo need to also be removed manually by an Administrator.
This is not automatic based on a Leaders role or retirement in Extranet.
We are not removing a medical profile, we are removing a permission level.

Click on the 3 lines (hamburger) on the staff member you wish to remove.

When the pop up window appears we then need to click on Archive this Staff.
A pop up will ask if you are sure you want to do this. Click the tick box and then the Archive button.

Setting up an eForm

For Administrators 

Filling in the Form

Here we add in a title for our event/camp/activity.
  1. Include the location and date where possible.
You can enter whole documents like a flyer, gear list etc or you can add in questions for your members to answer if you want.
You can also leave all of this blank if you are just wanting this to be a place holder of profiles for an event. 
  1. Don’t forget the SAVE button at the bottom

Member Selection

Here we leave the selection as Static Members –We will return to adding member to the eForm later.
Click SAVE and NEXT button.

Settings Page

This is the settings for the eForm and determines who can see it and how often the members will receive notifications about it. 
There are two main things to note on this first bit:
  1. Frequency of Email reminders
  2. Up to Date Care Profile

Most of these settings you can leave as is but feel free to adjust if needed.
Main points to make sure you have the right information for are: 
  1. Email notification and eForm responses
  2. Reply to*
  3. Automatically archive eForm after
And don’t forget to choose a colour for the eForm.

Finishing up the eForm

Adding Members

Using the Membership numbers you can bulk upload members to the form:

Alternative Solutions for District, Region and State Events

Each group creates an eForm
  1. Each group adds the designated camp first aider to the eForm as a staff
  2. Not all leaders need access to all youth’s files 
  3. You may need to reach out to the level above ieRegion or State depending on who is attending to create the eForm

Where do I go for help?

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