Operoo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Operoo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the Scouts Victoria Operoo system secure?

The Scouts Victoria Operoo system uses sophisticated security measures to keep data safe. All personal health information managed by Operoo for Asia Pacific customers is stored in Australia (Sydney) and will never be stored outside of Australia. Full details of Operoo’s security can be found at https://operoo.com/security-practices/
You control what information is available and can update the information and remove access at any time.
The details will never be made available to any other party (party: Scouts Victoria) without your permission. Your details will never be used, sold or rented to another organization for any purpose.

Who can see my or my child’s information when I share this with Scouts Victoria?

Your Group and Section Leaders and administrators responsible for your data may have access to your care profile. Access requires usernames and passwords and all data is encrypted in the database in line with best practices for health information. Your Scout Group will understand the information provided by you is private and sensitive; The Leaders have the same high level of confidentiality with this information as they do with paper-based records.

Who else Can See My or My Child’s Information?

Only groups or people you specifically give access to can view the information about you or your child.
Update 18082016
Access to Operoo profiles mirrors the access permissions in our membership system ensuring that access is available for those who need it to exercise a duty of care eg; District Leaders will have access for District camps and activities.

Do you keep track of who is looking at the Care Profiles?

Yes, the Operoo system audits all users of the system at the Scout Group. It automatically tracks every occasion a care profile is viewed and by which user and when.

What happens when I or my child moves Scout Groups?

When you or your child leaves the Scout Group, the profile will be archived and not available on mobile devices anymore. This does not delete the care profile from your
account. You still control the care profile and you will then be sent an invitation to share your child’s profile to the new Group.

What happens when I or my child leaves Scouts?

When you or your child leaves Scouts, the profile will be archived and not available on mobile devices anymore. Furthermore, any new changes you make to the profile
will not be shared with the Scout Group. Archived profiles will only be accessible by the State administrator to facilitate compliance with legislation.
This does not delete the care profile from your account. You still control the care profile and can continue to use it and share it with other trusted individuals or
groups. You can also manually delete access to the group yourself after you or your child has left Scouts.

How often do I need to update the information?

Once you’ve completed the care profile for yourself or your child, it is easy to keep it up to date. You will only need to update data when things change. For example, a
new emergency contact, updated mobile phone number, a new medical condition, an updated asthma plan and so on. The Scout Group may ask you to log in from time to time e.g. to confirm that details are still up to date. 

The care profile is completed...Why am I getting email reminders?

You will receive email (or text) reminders from time to time asking you to confirm that the details are still correct. The Scout Group relies on this information to care for you or your child so it is important that it is current. As such, you may be asked to verify that it is up to date.

Can I use this for other family members and share with other people?

Yes, once you have entered details for yourself or your child, you can optionally create care profiles for other family members. You can share these care profiles with
people you trust to care for your loved ones; such as family, friends and babysitters. If another group (such as your school) uses Operoo you can share the
same profile with that group.

My child’s school is using Operoo. Do I need to enter the details twice?

No. The care profile you have created for yourself or your child can be shared multiple times. This means you only need to update one care profile and the group, club, school and individuals you share it with have access to the same details. When you make an update all staff who can access the data have the latest information.
The invitation to create or share a profile with Scouts Victoria will provide links both for creation (for new users) and to share (for existing users).

What happens when there is no internet access?

Operoo has a downloadable app on iPhone, iPad, Android phones and Android tablets. These mobile versions store a secure encrypted copy of the care profiles on the device. This means the information can be accessed by the Group or Leaders without internet access.
The Operoo system also allows parents and leaders to print a paper report for each profile.
Update 18082016
Leaders without a smart phone or tablet can access CareMoneky profiles via a PC or laptop prior to leaving for the camp or activity.

How much does it cost?

The cost for Operoo is covered by Scouts Victoria. If you want to use it for other family members it is free. Families can also download the free app for Operoo for iPhone, iPad, Android phones and Android tablets. These mobile versions store a secure encrypted copy of the care profiles on the device. This means the information can be accessed by you even without internet access.

Will youth members leading activities have access to Operoo profiles?

Youth members leading activities, such as Patrol Leaders and Venturers, will not be given access to electronic records. As has been the practice with paper-based forms Groups and Parents may print a copy of the Operoo profile and seal it in an envelope for the activity leader to access in case of an emergency.

Will Adventurous Activity Teams have access to Operoo profiles?

Adventurous Activity Leaders will not generally have access to Operoo profiles though this may be arranged for large scale events. Adventurous Activity Teams will
request that participants bring a print out of the member’s Operoo profile as an alternative to the old Personal Information Record (PIR).

Do I need a paper copy if an ambulance is called or for presentation at hospital?

Paramedics do not require a permission form to treat an injured or serious ill patient in an emergency. Useful information available on the Operoo profile can be relayed to paramedics during treatment.
Hospitals have their own requirements for treatment and admittance of patients which, in non-life threatening situations, may require contact with the parent or guardian.

Can we still use paper-based Personal Information Records (PIRs)?

PIRs will remain acceptable during the launch of Operoo as the primary health records platform for Scouts Victoria and will be phased out in coming months.
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