Online Application - Joey, Cub, Scout, Venturer

Online Application - Joey, Cub, Scout, Venturer

Prospective Youth Member

  1. Group Leader collects prospective youth member information via Y4.
  2. As a minimum need First Name, Surname, DOB, Email address to which invitation to join will be sent.

GL Issues invitation to Join

  1. Group Leader access Invitation via Extranet>Membership>New Member>Generate Invitation to Join.
  2. Enter required details, select classification, select section, send.

Parent/Guardian receives email

  1. Parent/Guardian receives Invitation to Join email from Group Leader.
  2. Link in email is active for 10 days. The 10 days timeframe resets each time parent/guardian accesses application.
  3. Reminder email sent after 3 days if no action by Parent/Guardian.
  4. Parent/Guardian either;
    1. Completes application and submits, or
    2. Declines invitation to join

If Invitation Expires

  1. If the invitation has not been actioned by the parent/guardian after 10 days the invitation will expire.
  2. Advice of the expiry will be emailed to the parent/guardian inviting them to seek a fresh invitation with a copy sent to the Group Leader.

Application Actioned by Parent/Guardian

  1. If declined, Group leader receives email advice including reason input by parent/guardian. Parent/Guardian receives email thanking them for feedback.
  2. If submitted, Group Leader receives email advising of pending application for approval and application added to Extranet Workflow.


  1. NB: Group Leader should not approve until fees have been collected.
  2. Upon receipt of email advise Group Leader may approve or reject application or take no action and hold as pending.
  3. If rejected (eg; parent has not paid fees after follow up) Group Leader will be asked to input rejection reason. Email will be sent to applicant advising requirements have not been met.
  4. If approved membership invoice for will issue to Group by email in the normal manner.
  5. New member will be sent, within 24 hours, invitation to create CareMonkey profile.
  6. Y4 may be destroyed if no incident has occurred prior to approval of application.

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