Introducing the On The Job training

Introducing the On The Job training

Introducing the On The Job training

On The Job training refers to the skills we hone and demonstrate 'in the field' as Scout Leaders. It's one component of our adult training program - we learn knowledge through
(1) On Demand Learning modules; we learn skills at
(2) training courses; and then we apply these skills through
(3) On The Job training.
Our On The Job Phase checklists are the tool for recording this learning and demonstrating that a Leader is proficient at what they do.

What’s changed recently?

On The Job Phases shifted in 2022, to an entirely paperless/'PDFless' system so that recording and verifying your On The Job training all occurs online on the On Demand platform. There have also been minor updates to the content of the On The Job training and a more significant restructuring of the checklists into:

The Youth Program Leader Phase is only for those working with young people in a Unit.

The Program Support Leader Phase is only for those people working outside a Unit.

The Scouting Leadership Phase is for everyone after first achieving a Certificate of Proficiency.

For help on how to use the On The Job phases screen, please read through the following document found here.

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