Hazardous Substances

Hazardous Substances

                  a.   Asbestos Audit report


               It is Scouts Victoria policy to have an up-to-date Hazardous substance audit for every Hall and will schedule a:

·        Division 5 Haz. Audit

·        Division 6 Haz. Audit - before any works are commenced in any Scout Hall.


-          See attachment………………………………. Asbestos Management Plan



a.       Safe storage of gas bottles

                      It is not permitted to have gas bottles stored inside the hall at any time.

                           ·        Best practice is to store gas bottles in a locked cage with a sealed floor and sheltered from the weather. Ideally this cage will be outside the hall, and in declining order of preference the location would be:

·        Specially constructed outdoor cage on concrete pad with roof, close to where gear is loaded for camps

·        Inside a well-ventilated shed which MUST have floor level ventilation

·       Signage - Make sure that appropriate signage e.g., Flammable Materials No Naked Flames No Smoking are attached to the cage itself, and to the entrance to the shed.

·        Wherever your cage is located make sure that it is well clear of other hazardous materials, sources of sparks or flames and is NEVER used to stack or support other gear.


    When placing gas bottles into storage, or into your trailer for transport to or from camp or your supplier check the valve on the top of each bottle to ensure that it is tightly closed.

                   b.      Secure storage of cleaning chemicals


                      Clearly Labeling Containers

   It is recommended to use Biodegradable and Eco-friendly cleaning chemicals as this lessens the risk profile and the associated procedures to ensure a safe environment.

                      Each container must be clearly labelled with:

·        Name of the chemical

·        Hazard class and category

·        Pictogram code

·        Signal word

·        Hazard Statement

·        Stored in a safe secure cupboard

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