Public Liability Certificate of Currency

Public Liability Certificate of Currency

Scouts Victoria maintains a Public Liability Insurance Policy which is renewed on November 30 each year. We are unable to issue Public Liability Certificates of Currency for the 12 months from December 1 until the Policy is renewed. Please continue to send requests to .

To assist Scouts members in providing third parties with confirmation of Scout public liability insurance arrangements where required our broker has provided the following certificates that represent common and well defined Scout Approved Activities involving sausage sizzles, raffle sales and Christmas tree sales.

If confirmation of public liability insurance is required for a Scout activity that is outside of these listed activities, please apply for a Certificate of Placement through our broker by emailing including the following details... 

Scout Proposed Activity

Scout Group


Contact Person and Phone


Name of the event


Date and location of event


Summary of activities being undertaken


Any Interested Party that needs to be noted


Example: Scout Proposed Activity

Scout Group

1st Doncaster

Geelong Festival

Date and location of event


Summary of activities being undertaken

Participation in parade, sausage sizzle, rope bridge and car boot sale

Any Interested Party that needs to be noted

Geelong Council

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