Carer Definitions and Requirements

Carer Definitions and Requirements

Family or Parental Carer  

  • Family or parental carers are person who are related to the young person and they support that young person in relation to their needs. 

Externally Sourced Carer – Ongoing * 

  • An externally sourced carer (ongoing) is a person who is a volunteer or employee of another organisation which is engaged to provide support for the young person on an ongoing basis for an indefinite period.  

  • The Carer is usually engaged through an ongoing agreement with the parent or guardian of the young person or provided through service providers funded through services like the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).  

  • A carer who is engaged and trained directly by a young person or their family, is also considered an externally sourced carer – ongoing.  

Externally Sourced Carer – Casual * 

  • An externally sourced carer (casual) is a person who is a volunteer or employee of another organisation who is engaged to provide support for the young person on a casual basis (in other words, a carer supporting a young person today may not be the same person next week). The organisation is usually engaged through an ongoing agreement with the parent or guardian of the young person or provided through service providers funded through services like the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 

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